As an art theorist my research interests are in the fields of ancient and postmodern philosophy, and contemporary visual arts and culture: embodiment and the epistemological force of art; pedagogical methodologies and strategies in arts and culture education.
It Won’t Be Long Now, Comrades! I Framer Framed Magazine
The Space of Chora. A perspective on Contemporary Art I Leiden University
The Modular Body: The Epistemological Force of Art
Living Mirror: Perception and Representation of the Human
Byzantine Tradition in Modern Art: Ivan Milev I Liternet
Who Am I? The Self through the viewpoint of Yoga and the Arts I Elephant Journal

A talk I gave at Herengracht 401, Amsterdam, NL.
You can find some of my projects and publications below (click on the images for more info).

'The art work opens up in its own way the Being of beings. This opening up, i.e., this deconcealing, i.e., the truth of beings, happens in the work. In the art work, the truth of what is has set itself to work. Art is truth setting itself to work.' - Martin Heidegger
I studied history, art history, arts and culture in Sofia (BG), Rome (IT), Copenhagen (DK) and Leiden (NL), and worked on different projects in the fields of visual arts and art education. My MA from Leiden University (NL) led me to explore the importance of contemporary art practice for the socio-political processes in present-day western society. My research investigates arts as a space of transformation, and addresses topics, such as embodiment, constitution of subjectivity, identity and agency.
During my studies I have been engaged with academic discourses that address urgent issues of the current society, such as globalisation and intercultural relations; bioethics and technological development, and the consequences for culture and society.
My MA thesis from Leiden University offers a perspective on contemporary visual arts as a space of transformation, which is also my current academic research. It offers an investigation of contemporary art through the viewpoint of Plato’s notion of χÏŽρα (chôra), which opens up a different perspective towards art and helps to better understand its role in society in the context of our technologically invested life. By proposing a different entry into the western world’s binary logic of rationality, and by putting forward an ontological vision, art as χÏŽρα enables the space for a transformation—an experience and consequently a consideration of novel modes of existence of the political body of present-day western society.
My PHD research is dedicated to the role of contemporary art in rethinking the human relationship with water - how can we create a new culture of thinking and integrate novel ways of relating to ourselves and nature.

PHD researcher in Arts and Culture
University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain (2024 - current)
I work on a topic dedicated to the role of contemporary art in rethinking the human relationship with water - how we can embody novel ways of relating to ourselves and nature, so that we can create a new cultural paradigm in order to overcome the climate crisis.
Master’s degree in Arts and Culture
Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands (2016 -2017)
The Art of Contemporary World and World Art Studies; Art, Science and Ethics; Art theory; Philosophy of Culture.
Thesis title: The Space of ΧÏŽρα – A Perspective on Contemporary Art.
Master’s degree in Art History
NBU, Sofia, Bulgaria (2011-2014)
History, theory and critique of arts.
Thesis title: Byzantine tradition in Modern Art: Ivan Milev.
Erasmus programme in Art History
Copenhagen University, Denmark (2013)
Visual anthropology; Art history;
Research topic: Ritual patterns in art from antiquity until current times.
Specialisation in History and Culture
University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’, Rome, Italy (2009-2011)
Specialisation in History, Philosophy, Art history.
Bachelor's degree in History and Teacher of History
Sofia University ‘St. Climent Ohridski’, Sofia, Bulgaria (2005-2009)
Political and social history; Archival science; Archaeology; Ethnology.
Specialisation in ancient history.
Pedagogical qualification: History teacher.
Read FULL CV here.