‘Only from the heart can you touch the sky.’ - Rumi
I am inspired to guide you on a transformational journey inwards and help you bring your unique self to the world. Creativity & exploration of what is our highest emotion draws us to our true purpose in the universe. I offer yogic practices to help you set free your creativity and through it to embrace all the possibilities they are for you in the world.

Click on the images to learn more about projects & offerings.

More than seven years ago, I encountered the power of love and acceptance through yoga practice. Yoga has been a way of reconnecting with myself. Knowing myself and acknowledging the personal transformations I have experienced on my way helped me to bring awareness in my life. This journey generated new discoveries and ‘openings’ that redirected my interests. My personal and spiritual growth was calling for the path of yoga teaching. My asana practice in Amsterdam led to a journey in Guatemala, and consequently to completing a yoga teacher training with the School Yoga Institute in the Sacred Valley in Peru. Since then, I've been teaching in different locations with the aim to raise awareness and desire for conscious living among people from all over the world, and help people connect to their true self and live their true purpose.
The Power of Mantras (Omflow, Jan, 2021)
Yin Yoga Explained for Beginners (Omflow, Dec, 2020)
Who Am I? The Self through the viewpoint of Yoga and the Arts (Elephant Journal/Omflow, Dec. 2020) ​

YOGA PRACTICE // Delight Yoga
Started my yoga journey & practice for years as a student.
Delight Yoga, Amsterdam, the Netherlands (2011-2019)
YOGA TEACHER TRAINING // School Yoga Institute
A spiritually focused organisation, interweaving yoga and shamanism: deep spiritual inquiry guided in the ancient shamanic teachings of the Peruvian medicine wheel.
Practices: In-Depth Meditation Techniques and Practice; Yoga Philosophy; Ayurveda; Yoga Anatomy & Physiology; Native American Medicine Wheel; Kriya Yogic Cleansing; Kirtan Bhajan Chanting; Energetic Healing Practices; Chakras & Energy Work; Fire Ceremonies; Communal & Sustainable Living.
School Yoga Institute, Sacha Munay, Sacred Valley, Peru (2019) - 200 HRS YTT – certified with Yoga Alliance
Learning under Usui Reiki System of Healing with a placement of Holy Fire III Reiki Energy; Japanese Healing Techniques; Energetic Protection Methods; Self-session techniques; Chakras Check using a pendulum.
Spirit Ocean Healing, USA, online (2021) – training with Ashley Seamor
Read my Full CV here.

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