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The Root Chakra is associated with grounding, vitality, and stability. It includes our survival instinct, our desire for safety and security, and our basic needs, such as food and shelter. Also associated with the root chakra are emotional needs and functions, like family loyalty, beliefs and values. It is located at the base of the spine. Its element is Earth, its colour - red, and mantra - LAM.


Its message to us:

~"I am grounded, I am completely connected to the earth, I am completely safe"~


​The right of the Root Chakra is the right to be - the right to be here, the right to own the space that we are. The Root Chakra element is Earth, and that's why simply spending time in nature will have a positive effect on this chakra. Sitting on the earth is ideal for absorbing its energies to revitalize us and for grounding, to feel the safety that mother earth has for us. The Root Chakra is represented by the color red so wearing red clothes and eating red foods can assist with balancing and grounding.


Journaling prompts to support your Muladhara:


  • What keeps me grounded?

  • What makes me feel secure?

  • What nourishes me?

  • What am I afraid of people knowing about me?

  • If I felt secure and grounded within myself, I would….





Svadhishthana chakra is situated between the navel and the pubic bone, and is related to our emotions, sexuality, creativity, and pleasure. Its element is Water and its feature is fluidity and flexibility. The colour representing the Sacral Chakra is Orange and its mantra is VAM.


Its message to us:

~"I am sensual, creative & connected"~​


The Sacral Chakra right is the right to feel and to enjoy pleasure – the right to express our feelings and connect to our sexuality and sensuality. The Sacral Chakra element is Water and is characterised by flow and flexibility, so by being near, swimming or bathing in any natural water such as a river or the ocean will have a wonderful healing effect on this chakra. The Sacral Chakra is represented by the colour Orange, so wearing orange clothes and eating orange foods will also help heal and balance this chakra.

Journaling prompts to support your Svadhishthana:


  • What do I value in my relationships?

  • What emotion do I primarily feel?

  • What is my favourite way of expressing myself creatively? How can I bring more of that into my life?

  • How can I honour my sexuality?

  • I feel beautiful when…

  • I feel inspired when…





Manipura chakra is associated with self -confidence, will power, decisions, personal opinions, purpose. It governs the emotional body and it is your power and transformation centre. It is located between the navel and the diaphragm.

Its element is fire, colour - yellow & mantra - RAM.


Its message to us:

~"I am confident, empowered and successful"~


The right of Manipura Chakra is the right to act – the right for personal power to create change into our life. The Solar Plexus element is fire, taking a walk out in the sunshine or sitting by a campfire will have a healing effect on this chakra. Also, sungazing is an excellent way of energizing this chakra. Manipura is represented by the colour yellow, so wearing yellow garments and eating yellow foods will help heal and balance this chakra.


Journaling prompts to support your Manipura:


  • What are my favourite things/qualities/traits about myself?

  • Am I in control of my personal power? What can I do to increase my personal power?

  • When was the time I felt most courageous in my life?

  • What scares me most? Why does it scare me? How can I overcome this fear?

  • Do my intentions and choices make me feel confident and empowered?

  • I feel most confident when….





Located in our heart centre, Anahata chakra is all about love and compassion. It symbolises awareness and manifestation of love towards oneself and others, affection, compassion, acceptance, gratitude and kindness. It is about the heart of our feelings. The heart chakra is about giving and receiving love. Its element is Air, colour - green & mantra - YAM.


Its message to us is:

~"I give and receive love effortlessly and unconditionally"~


The right of Anahata Chakra is the right to love and be loved – it has to do with self-love first, as in order to give unconditional love we need to love ourselves first. The Heart Chakras element is air and experiencing the vastness of the sky will benefit this chakra: to feel and breath this life force that is freely

available to us all; no matter what we do, the universe will supply us with this life force; this must be the only source of unconditional love. Anahata is represented by the colour green so wearing green garments, as will surrounding yourself in the green of nature and also eating green foods will help

balance this chakra.


Journaling prompts to support Anahata:


  • Do I think I am worthy of love?

  • Am I open to receiving love?

  • Is there balance between my giving and receiving of love?

  • What is preventing me from welcoming love in my life?

  • Do I spend enough time on what I love doing? If not, what is holding me back from doing more of what I love?

  • What does ‘compassion’ mean to me? How is it expressed and what does it feel like? What stops me and what helps me in being a compassionate person?

  • I am grateful for ….

  • Write a letter about yourself to yourself. Mention all the things you love about yourself, all the things you’ve overcome in your life and all the things/events/people/feelings you are grateful for.





Located in our throat Vishuddha Chakra is our communication centre with the outside world and how well we communicate our truth. If your throat chakra is out of balance you will find difficulty communicating your truth in fear of judgement. In balance you are able to express yourself open and honestly in any situation.

Its element is ether, which is the eternal space between everything, its colour - blue & mantra HAM.


Message to us:

~"I communicate my truth always"~


The right of Vishuddha Chakra is the right to express ourselves and to be heard, to express our own truth, to honour our voice, to speak up and bring value to our words and communication, making time to listen to ourselves, so that we can make sure that how we live is a real expression of how we feel. The throat chakra is our carrier of sound. Listening to vibrational sounds of instruments such as singing bowls, gongs and tuning forks are very

healing for this chakra. Also singing is a great help to balancing this chakra. Vishuddha is represented by the colour blue and wearing blue clothing or eating blue foods will help balance this chakra.

Journaling prompts to support Vishuddha:


  • Do I communicate my truth and express my creativity?

  • How can I express myself more honestly and openly?

  • Am I being truthful to myself, my thoughts, my opinions, my ideas?

  • How do I define healthy communication?

  • Am I a mindful listener?

  • Do I have a tendency to embellish, distort or exaggerate facts?

  • Could I spend a whole day in silence?

  • I express myself authentically when…





Ajna, meaning 'to know', is the centre of our intuition, the right to'see' and self-realisation. It is located in the forehead, between the eyebrows, and is the extension of what the mind knowingly perceives.

When in balance, we see our existence with clarity and have a powerful intuition. Its element is ether, colour - indigo & its mantra - OM.


Its message to us:

~"I have all the answers within me"~


The right of Ajna Chakra is the right to see and to be seen as we are; the right to envision outside of the box, to look at the world in a particular way, visualize our life outside of how it ‘should be’. Ajna is our carrier of light: being out both in sunlight and moonlight, sungazing or stargazing are great ways to help balance this chakra. Ajna is

represented by the colour indigo so wearing indigo clothing or eating purple foods will all help this chakra.


Journaling prompts to support your Ajna:


  • What beliefs do I continue to accept that I know are not true?

  • If you have had visions, channelling or clairvoyant experiences, what were you doing when they occurred?

  • What state of mind and being were you in?

  • Do I accept, honour and follow my intuition?

  • When I connect to my third eye energy, what do I see or perceive? How do I feel? What scares me about it? What makes me curious about it?

  • I feel intuitively that….





Sahasrara, located at the crown of the head, is related to our connection with the Source, consciousness, and pure wisdom. It is where the universal knowledge and truth enter our body. From here, we can transcend the physical and connect with the divine. Every element of the previous chakras are already here and blend at the crown, as we are all One and everything is connected.

Its element is ether, colour - white light, mantra - silence.


Message to us:

~"I am one with the divine"~


The right of Sahasrara is the right to think, to change our minds, to change our thinking, freeing our brains from our own limitation beliefs. Unveiling the pure consciousness, we get to reprogram our brains from the way we have been thought to think to the way that we get to choose our thoughts and are able to think differently. Sahasrara is the carrier of our consciousness: being outdoors and meditating, feeling the energy you are connected to, will help your Crown Chakra.
The crown chakra is represented by the colour violet or white, so wearing violetor white clothes will help balance this chakra. A wonderful practice

to balance this chakra is Pranayama: breathing consciously.


Journaling prompts to support your Sahasrara:


  • What do I believe about the Universe?

  • What spiritual truths am I aware of but don’t follow?

  • What do I know?

  • Who am I?

  • Am I open to perceive subtle energies/nonphysical realities?



Yoga: The associated body parts include the base of the spine, the legs, feet, and large intestine. Our yin yoga class includes poses that stretch and strengthen the legs and feet, which support Muladhara.


Nutrition: Our creative recipe for Muladhara chakra includes red foods: red foods such as cherries, beets, and apples can assist with balancing and grounding Muladhara.


Yoga: In our yin yoga class we will work with the hips - the hip and groin openers are particularly beneficial to this chakra as they provide freedom of movement in the pelvis.


Foods: Our recipe includes orange foods - foods such as sweet potato, mango and peaches help heal and balance this chakra.


Yoga: In our yoga class we will be stretching the core - twists or poses that gently engage and stretch the core are beneficial for Manipura chakra.


Foods: Our smoothie includes foods with yellow colour: foods such as lemons, bananas, corn, and butternut squash as well as using turmeric and drinking kombucha help heal and balance Manipura.


Yoga: We will work on the chest and upper back: chest openers and supported backbends are beneficial for opening the heart chakra.


Foods: Our smoothie includes green foods: eating green foods such as avocado, kale, spinach or drinking green tea, help balance this chakra.


Yoga: We will stretch the neck and shoulders - various neck stretches and shoulder openers are good for the throat chakra.


Foods: Our smoothie includes blue foods: eating blue foods such as blueberries, blackberries and plums as well as soothing liquids such as honey and coconut water help balance Vishuddha.


Yoga: In our class we will activate this chakra by coming into forward bends, which allow you to press the forehead to the floor and stimulate the third-eye centre.


 Foods: Our smoothie includes blue foods: eating foods such as prunes, dates, figs and red cabbage, will all help this chakra.


Yoga: Because this chakra is typically associated with meditation, yin yoga poses are the perfect preparation - the extended holds of postures train the mind to focus and remain calm, while also challenge us to sit still by stretching beyond the muscles and into the connective tissue.


Foods: Sahasrara is the furthest from the physical realm, and that's why fasting is recommended. However, we are offering a delicious smootie recipe. 



The chakras are ‘wheels’ of energetic motion in our body, and correspond to specific physical, emotional, psychological, and emotional states of being, and influence all areas of our lives. Within these energy centers flows ‘prana’ - the life-force energy, which is all around us and within us, to keep us healthy, happy and vibrant. When the chakras are blocked, energetic patterns are created and repeated over and over again. When they are aligned, our energy is flowing freely within the body, allowing us to balance our physical, mental & emotional state, making our life rich, vibrant and abundant.




We only see our body as tangible but in the yogic tradition we have more than one body: the yogic body is one of them - it is a body of subtle energy, consciousness and awareness. The subtle body is a part of us that we can't see or touch—it's where our energy flows, and where the chakras reside. These focal points (chakras) are connected by channels (nadis), which convey subtle breath (prana-the life-force energy), which keeps us alive.



Through looking at and experiencing the chakras we can look differently at our lives and make change to what is not healthy. The experience of the course will help us align ourselves, so that we can open up to connecting to our inner wisdom. We can become aware of all aspects and qualities of our life and tune them in, as each one of them affects us and the others.


  • What part of your life is undernourished?

  • How can you put your system back into wholeness?


The work with the chakras gives us an opportunity to look at their shadows as well: at our own shadows, which is by itself a transforming experience. By looking at the other side we can address the qualities that challenge us in life, that impede us on our path towards our true self, and consequently that can help us decide to take the step towards healing and empowering ourselves. By nurturing these energy centers in the body we can leave old patterns and create new pathways that uncover new ways of thinking and being.


Through this course we can experience ourselves through the lens of the chakras, which could allow us become empowered to make changes in our lives: to become happier and healthier, to transform and heal ourselves, and then to become able to serve the world.

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