Private Yoga Classes // Online
Private Classes to Keep You Up with Your Yoga Practice & Creativity
• Do You Want to Feel Motivated, Inspired and Energised? • Do You Wish to Reconnect to Your Yoga Practice and Create Space in Your Body and Mind? • Do You Desire to Awaken Your Creativity and Embrace All the Possibilities and New Ideas that come with it? LET'S PRACTICE TOGETHER! My private classes are designed to support YOU on your yoga journey in a way that your creativity brings your UNIQUE self in the world! They create space for you to connect to your inner self and open up to the world and all its possibilities! Yoga helps us let go of judgment and fear and be creative, innovative and open. By creating space through our yoga practice, we develop our ability to embrace new ways of being, to acquire new perspectives, to learn, to expand. Let’s move from a place of non-judgment, compassion and fearlessness, and allow creativity, where our true self resides, to unfold your full potential and embrace new ideas and possibilities that are there for you in the world! WHY PRACTICE WITH ME? • Everyone's body is different and I help you work on asanas that are suitable to your body, and in alignment with your body's needs. • You receive a personalised support on your yoga journey in which we create space for your creative energy to flow easily within your body and life. • Through pranayama and asana practice, we let go of distractions, stress and anxiety, and bring tranquility into your mind. • With our yoga practice we allow the exploration of yourself and your experience to manifest into clarity about your unique being in the world. • I support you to come back to yourself and feel spacious, energised, joyful, inspired & open! BOOK NOW for A Trial Class or CONNECT for More Info