I still remember my first experience with mantra chanting: It was in Amsterdam, in the yoga studio, where I started my yoga journey. The event was led by a special guest who allowed the space for all participants to feel joy, stand up and start dancing. The hours went amazingly fast and afterwards I felt like a new person filled with joy, connection, freedom, and love for the world and all beautiful beings in it. In a year time, I found myself in Central America, on the lake Atitlan in Guatemala, where I was overwhelmed by the embodied experience of this living tradition-chanting Sanskrit mantras in gatherings, in which I lived kirtan as a union, oneness, and love; unity with myself, the others and the divine. Kirtan is the second of the nine limbs of Bhakti Yoga – the path of devotion to the divine, and it sets in motion the power of mantra within us: as a mental pattern and as a current of deeper energy and feeling.
The Power of Mantras
Updated: Sep 22, 2021